Vote with the League November 2020

League Recommendations

The Recommendations by our League for the Local Measures.

The Recommendations by The League of Women Voters of California

LWVBAE’s ballot recommendations are based on our positions.  These positions are the result of careful, thorough studies on any subject that has to do with well run cities, such as: city government, schools, housing, transportation, police.  The study team researches the issue, and brings the results to the whole membership.  After many questions and discussion the whole group comes to agreement/consensus about positions that retain what’s working well, and would, if enacted, fix what needs improvement.

When there’s an election, LWVBAE reviews all the measures on the Berkeley, Albany,and Emeryville ballots. It uses the positions arrived at to recommend “yes” when there’s agreement with our positions, “no” when there’s contradictions, and “neutral” when there’s both agreement and contradiction.  Of course, we haven’t studied everything, so on some measures we say “no position.”  The State League, LWVC, does all the same thing for the statewide propositions.

–Jinky Gardner, Action Director

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