League leaders and volunteers turned out Sunday July 25th to engage prospective members in the community at the first ever Albany Sip, Shop and Celebrate. The gathering was the first event of its kind in Albany and Berkeley since California began reopening in June.
Despite the overcast, chilly weather, those who attended enjoyed the first in-person outreach event since community life began shutting down during the pandemic. Local residents received educational handouts about the September 14th gubernatorial recall election, the new LWVBAE Health Care Team, as well as flyers about the Criminal Justice Team and how to become a League member.
Sponsored by the Solano Avenue Association, the day included outdoor vendors, entertainers, artisans, government and nonprofit agencies, makers and jewelers. It was a way to support local businesses and organizations during a difficult economic transition. The day was also an important first step towards fostering normal, everyday social interactions that so many local residents have longed for over the last year and a half. The Solano Avenue Association reminded residents that a risk of contracting COVID-19 exists in all public spaces and attendees were advised to sign up for CA Notify and follow CDPH guidelines.
“I’m just really grateful that so many League members were able to volunteer and get back out there doing the grassroots organizing work that keeps our communities thriving,” LVWBAE President Kandea Mosley said.
Be sure to mark your calendars for the Sidewalk a-Faire on Sunday, September 12th. LWVBAE will also be recruiting volunteers to participate on the 12th, ahead of the recall election, to educate voters.
-Isla Cope
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