The Solano Sidewalk a-Faire Sunday, September 12th, 2021, 10 am – 5 pm
Presented by The Solano Avenue Association and Albany Subaru.
The Sidewalk a-Faire is not virtual. It is an in-person event!
The Solano Avenue Association invites you to come see what makes Solano Avenue a wonderful place. We feature 200 businesses that are rolling out the welcome mat to invite you inside. On September 12th 2021 Solano Avenue will become alive with entertainers, outside dining. There will be Face Painters, Performers, a Pet Show, Psychic Fair, and MORE!
Please come visit the unique and popular professional services, restaurants, and shops here on Solano Avenue.
For this event Solano Avenue will remain open to traffic (not a closed-street festival) and in case of unforeseen circumstances the alternative event date is September 26th 2021.
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