Annual Meeting 24 Report

Annual Meeting'24On June 13, 2024, the League of Women Voters of Berkeley, Albany, and Emeryville (LWVBAE) held its Annual Meeting, featuring an inspiring and informative talk by the remarkable Anat Shenker-Osorio. Shenker-Osorio is an acclaimed expert in her field of political strategist and communications consultant. She is the Principle of ASO Communications and host of the “Words to Win By” podcast.

In her talk, she delved into strategies for engaging and mobilizing voters through ads, outlining them as “How to Make Believe: Principles of Persuasion,” with six main takeaways. She emphasized the importance of being clear with your message to ensure the audience knows exactly what actions to take without any vague or negative instructions. She highlighted that the order of information in ads significantly impacts their effectiveness. Instead of focusing solely on policy details, she suggested centering on the results those policies can deliver to resonate more deeply with viewers. Making the message relatable was also crucial, as it enhances persuasiveness. She stressed the critical role of widespread repeated message dissemination in swaying opinions. Lastly, she recommended framing messages around past achievements to remind the audience of progress and foster optimism for the future, thereby encouraging engagement.

When discussing the mobilization of voters, Shenker-Osorio provided further valuable insights. She emphasized the importance of actively listening to voters, ensuring they feel heard and recognized. She reiterated that voting is a pivotal tool for effecting real change. She cautioned against using shame or fear-based tactics to encourage voter turnout, advocating instead for positive messaging that empowers voters with a sense of agency and purpose.

Anat Shenker-Osorio’s comprehensive approach to voter engagement underscores the power of clear, relatable messaging and respectful communication with the electorate. By focusing on outcomes, amplifying positive narratives, and acknowledging voter agency, her strategies have inspired broader participation and are fostering more vibrant democratic societies across the globe.

After the conclusion of Anat Shenker-Osorio’s presentation and a short intermission, members approved the 2023 Annual Meeting minutes and a 2024 budget. Attendees then voted to elect the slate of Board officers and members, as presented by the LWVBAE Nominating Committee. The slate, which was unanimously approved, included the new Voter Service Director, Regina Chagolla from Emeryville, who will be replaced by Elise Mills because of a work-related conflict of interest. The officers will continue to be President Kandea Mosley Gandhi, Secretary Elise Mills, and Treasurer Cynthia Chen. Beginning July 1, when the new League year starts, the following members will also again serve on the Board: Jinky Gardner, Linda Carothers, Eric Arens, Christine Wenrich, and Rashida Hanif.

Throughout the evening, words of gratitude were given by the president and others to all in attendance. A special thank you went out to Alex Li, the youngest member to have ever served on the Board of Directors.  The event subsequently came to a close, with about 45 community residents and those in other states having tuned in for the LWVBAE Annual meeting and the outstanding presentation at the beginning.


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