Downtown Bike Force Texting Scandal

At 6:30 PM this Wednesday, July 10th, Berkeley’s Police Accountability Board will meet and release its report on the Berkeley Police Department’s bike squad scandal that was the subject of much reporting last year. The allegations at the center of the story were that a series of racist and anti-homeless people statements had been texted by officers, and that the bike unit had arrest quotas. City spokesperson Matthai Chakko reported to the media last July that based on the external investigation conducted by the law firm Swanson and McNamara, the department does not “practice racial bias” or use “arrest quotas.” The PAB will release its own findings this week.

The public is encouraged to learn about their report and policy recommendations by attending the Police Accountability Board meeting virtually or in person.

WEDNESDAY, JULY 10, 2024, 6:30 P.M

2020 Milvia Street, Suite 250 Berkeley, CA

To access the meeting remotely: 

Please click on the link under July 10th here! 


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