The League of Women Voters of California and the League of Women Voters of California Education Fund represent and include our League as one of the 68 local and regional Leagues in California. LWVC takes action and lobbies on League issues; LWVCEF studies issues and publishes fair and balanced reports and studies on election ballot measures, public policy issues and proposals in California.  LWVC and LWVCEF are legally independent entities with independent Boards of Directors and funding streams, but work together closely.

LWVC holds conventions every other year where representatives of the 68 California Leagues come together to decide what issues to study in the following two years and what policy issues should be the League’s highest priorities for statewide action.

LWVCEF supports two important sources of fair and balanced election information; Smart Voter and  Easy Voter. The Smart Voter website enables voters to find their polling place,  preview their ballot and learn more about candidates and issues and much more.  Easy Voter publishes brief and simple explanations of the issues, the candidates and the voting system in English and many other languages.

For recent news from the California League, look at LWVC’s news feed at the bottom of our Home page.

LWVC has broad and detailed policy positions, to get some sense of their scope read
LWVC & LWVUS Combined Brief Policy Positions

Want to find and connect with other Leagues in other towns? Follow this link to the League of Women Voters of California. To find Leagues in other states, follow this link to LWVUS.