Making Democracy Work!

The League of Women Voters of the United States, LWV or LWVUS,  includes 800 Local and State Leagues in the U.S. and its territories. It is the action or lobbying arm of the national organization. Our League participates in studying, developing policy positions and lobbying on national and international issues through the national League.  Local Leagues decide which issues will be studied and which will have the highest priority for the next two years at biennial national conventions.  LWVUS follows high priority issues and alerts Leagues and League members when and how they need to communicate with the President or their elected Senators and representatives to urge passage or defeat of particular bills or to urge action on key issues.

The League of Women Voters of the United States Education Fund, LWVEF, operates jointly with the LWVUS. LWVEF funds only activities that are purely educational, for example, educating citizens about why they should register. LWVEF also manages studies and publishes well-researched, balanced information about public policy issues.

LWVUS has broad and extensive policy positions, to get a brief overview, read
LWVC & LWVUS Combined Brief Policy Positions

Want to find and connect with other Leagues in other  towns? Follow this link to the League of Women Voters of California. To find Leagues in other states, follow this link to LWVUS.