Richard Rothstein on How Our Government Segregated America

Posted on February 19, 2018 in League News | comments

If you missed Richard Rothstein, the author of The Color Of Law: A Forgotten History of How Our Government Segregated America, speaking at the NAACP Housing Forum,  Saturday, March 10, you might like to hear the intervi...


This Wed 21 Feb 1 pm Join Voter Services Ramping Up for Primary Election

Posted on February 19, 2018 in League News | comments

Registering young and under-represented voters is urgent.  Agree?  Then come to our Pink Tea to meet the team. The Voter Services Planning Meeting follows the tea this Wed, Feb. 21, at 1. Meeting starts at 1:30.  We w...


LWVBAE Priorities Proposed for 2018-19

Posted on February 16, 2018 in League News | comments

Climate change, reform prop 13 campaign, and active campaigning on League supported and opposed ballot measures for the June primary and the November general election were the three action and education priorities  for ...


Tell Your Reps: Pass the Dream Act

Posted on February 15, 2018 in League News | comments

The Senate failed to pass legislation that will affect hundreds of thousands of immigrants. Tell them to try again.  Take action: contact Congress and tell them to pass the Dream Act now! The Congress may be about to ag...


Register High School Students in March and April

Posted on February 13, 2018 in League News | comments

  Voter Registration Volunteers Needed! The LWV, in partnership with Vote16, has registered and pre-registered more than 300 students to vote at Berkeley High School!   The League of Women Voters of Berkeley, A...


Changing How We Communicate — More Pix, Few Words

Posted on February 13, 2018 in League News | comments

We Leaguers love words. We’re not so good at pictures that tell stories–but we’ll have to learn.  We have to get our stories to young people, to the digital generations, who do instagram–stories ...


Regional Government is Evolving in 2018: Housing & Transportation Fixes Proposed

Posted on February 12, 2018 in League News | comments

Hopeful optimism about Regional Government in the 9 county Bay Area diffused through 2018 Bay Area League Day hosted by the League of Women Voters of the Bay Area at Laney College on Feb. 3. The theme “Winds of Changeâ...


Police-Community Relationships & more: League Members Come Thurs. to Plan Our Work for 2018-19

Posted on February 12, 2018 in League News | comments

League Members: Are you interested in knowing more about policing in our cities? Come to the Program Planning Meeting on Thursday, February 15th at 7 pm to learn about a recent study by LWV Los Angeles and their new posi...


Food Production & Greenhouse Gases Webinar March 6 noon-1pm

Posted on February 7, 2018 in League News | comments

The environmental impact of agriculture will be discussed by Chris Field in “Food Production and Greenhouse Gases: Counting Carb Emissions” on March 6 between noon and 1 pm. You can attend via webinar or join...


Sign Our Pledge today to Protect & Defend Voting Rights

Posted on February 6, 2018 in League News | comments

Together, through our votes, we take control over what happens to our families and communities. But voting rights across the country are under attack – join with fellow voters and pledge to protect our constitutional r...


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