Happy Holidays to League Friends and Members From All of Us

Posted on December 11, 2017 in League News | comments

You can still catch our Environmental Concerns Holiday Event this Wednesday and hear distinguished scientist Daniel Kammen report on the Bonn Climate Conference this fall.  Then the League will be enjoying the holiday l...


LWVCA Report–34 League-Supported Bills Now Law; LWVBAE’s Diz Swift & Preston Jordan on State Task Force

Posted on December 11, 2017 in League News | comments

The first year of this legislative session is finished, and many bills were signed by the governor. You can see all of the LWVC supported bills that made it here and see which ones have been enacted into law (chaptered)....


Sign up for Speakers’ Bureau on Prop. 13 Reform!

Posted on December 9, 2017 in League News | comments

The Civics Ed/Prop. 13 Reform Team is welcoming recruits for its Speakers’ Bureau to spread the word to groups in Berkeley, Albany and Emeryville about Making the Commercial Property Tax More Fair!  Not only LWVBAE me...


Thinking Clearly About Media Wed Dec 6 6pm

Posted on December 4, 2017 in League News | comments

Tired of Fake News? Come to “Clear Thinking About the Media”, a creative workshop by Arresting Knowledge on Wednesday December 6, 6pm to 8pm. Doors open at 5:30pm; light supper provided, at  West Branch Berk...


Lively Busy Open House December 2nd

Posted on December 2, 2017 in League News | comments

The League, the Sierra Club, the Ecology Center and all our other neighbors shared the open house at 2530 San Pablo Friday December 1st, attracting big crowds. Members of each organization circulated around the other off...



Posted on November 30, 2017 in League News | comments

Take action to protect the Affordable Care Act (ACA). The tax bill passed by the Senate on Friday includes an amendment to eliminate a provision of the ACA known as the individual mandate. Eliminating this provision will...


Sunday, Dec 3, 1 pm Forum on Safety & Justice Forum: Learn More

Posted on November 29, 2017 in League News | comments

 At the Forum on Safety & Justice on Sunday Dec 3 at 1 pm at the Berkeley Public Library at 2090 Kittredge St, third floor, one possible topic will be equal treatment of people of all races by police. The National ...


Bring Your Concerns about Fair Law Enforcement and Community Violence: Sunday Dec. 3, 1:00 pm

Posted on November 28, 2017 in League News | comments

Bring your concerns about fair law enforcement and community violence to  this free Safety & Justice Forum in the Berkeley Main Library Community Room, 2090 Kittredge St,  Sunday afternoon, Dec. 3, 2017 from 1:00 &...


LWV St Petersburg FL Abolishes Super PACs in Local Elections & More League Action Reports

Posted on November 22, 2017 in League News | comments

The St Petersburg Fl League just  won its campaign to abolish Super PACs and limit foreign corporate spending in local elections. St Petersburg is teh first city in the nation to ban Super PACs. Julie Kessel, President ...


Daniel Kammen Reports on Bonn Climate Conference Wed Dec 13 7 pm

Posted on November 21, 2017 in League News | comments

Dr. Daniel Kammen, distinguished policy expert on energy and climate change, will report on the recently concluded Bonn Climate Conference on Wed., Dec 13,  7-9 pm in the Parlor Room of the Northbrae Community Church, 9...


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