California Water Policy in the Biden Era

Environmental Concerns Speaker Series

Zoom link:
Monday, February 8th, 2021, 7:30-9:00 p.m.

Professor Rick Frank

Rick Frank, Professor of Environmental Practice and Director, California Environmental Law and Policy Center, UC Davis will give a talk on California Water Policy in the Biden Era.

Confronting California’s Most Urgent Water Crises:

The State of California is currently facing an unprecedented set of water crises: steadily-growing water demand at the same time our existing water supplies are shrinking; 20th century water infrastructure that’s ill-prepared to meet 21st century needs; and the overarching challenges presented by climate change.  Perhaps nowhere are those challenges more formidable than in in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta—the centerpiece of California’s water delivery system and an ecosystem currently in severe crisis.  UC Davis School of Law Professor Richard Frank will discuss these crises and suggest some potential solutions for California’s future.

All are Welcome. Get your eventbrite ticket HERE to register;
 Zoom link :

If you have questions email:
Carol Stone: or Jeanette Zerneke:

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