On the last day of Black History Month, civil rights leaders are urging citizens to support a 24 hour economic backout. This blackout is being held to protest companies who are pulling out of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) commitments and policies.
During these 24 hours on February 28th, the boycott asks that folks not make any purchases, including in-store or online. Do not spend any money on fast food, gas, or major retailers. Your credit and debit cards should only be used for ESSENTIAL spending that is absolutely necessary. If you must spend, only support small and local businesses.
This matters because corporations care about their bottom line. If we can work together to begin to exercise our economic power in support of fairness, even if it’s only for one day, it will send a powerful message. If the companies don’t listen, next time civil rights leaders are considering making the blackout longer to show how much DEI means to us.
To learn more about this issue, please visit https://thehill.com/homenews/race-politics/5153089-black-faith-leaders-target-boycott-dei-rollback-trump-naacp/ .
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