Each One, Recruit One!

Post card to recruit membersWatch out for the following new-ish strategy in LWVBAE Member Recruitment coming down the road: “Each One Recruit One”! Was launched at the Fall Meeting, Wed., Oct. 16, “Each One Recruit One” will give each LWVBAE member a chance to recruit a friend or acquaintance he or she has always thought personified a great Leaguer: Community volunteer, Interested in current affairs, Voter savvy, Insistent on fairness, Concerned about our future and Supporting Democracy for All…i.e. CIVIC minded!

LWVBAE Action Director Jinky Gardner and LWVBAE Archivist Christine Wenrich distributed pre-stamped, member recruiting postcards during the Fall Meeting and showed how they can be addressed to the person to be recruited by the recruiter or to the recruiter by the person being recruited. The member recruiting drive is timed to synchronize with the annual dues renewal coming up in November, so everyone is encouraged to put on their thinking caps now to identify LWVBAE member material among relatives, friends and acquaintances!

–Ruby MacDonald, LWVBAE President

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