Help Secure Translation Services for Election 2022

Photo of 'Every Vote Counts' buttonLeagues in Alameda County are doing their part to help the League of Women Voters of California and local Leagues secure needed translation services for voters this election season:

Specifically, the League of Women Voters of Berkeley, Albany, Emeryville is fundraising to help with the translation of the seven state propositions and one  county measure; we are also attempting to translate the five  local measures on the November ballot and the language accessibility needs for one of our candidate forums.

The League of Women Voters of California President Carol Moon Goldberg and the LWVBAE Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Team thank you for pitching in whatever you are able to support this initiative we estimate will cost $3,000 to translate into Spanish and Chinese!

This is a breakdown of the estimated costs.
  • Local Measures (Pros & Cons for 7 documents) – $1,160
  • Alameda County Measure (1 script) – $340
  • State Propositions (7 scripts) – $1,300

Donations to the League  are tax deductible.

LWVBAE is recognized by the IRS as a 501 (c)(3) organization.

Please type “translation services” in the comments section.

If this is a  joint contribution please add the second name under  ‘Additional Name’.

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.



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