Do you want to attend the national League Convention in Denver as an in-person or remote Delegate or Observer for LWVBAE? Do you want to request funding to attend convention? In the application you will see the priorities given to members with various League backgrounds.
This is the application to be a delegate or observer remotely or in person. It includes the application to request funding. Please submit no later than March 30th:
More information about the convention can be found here:
The approximate cost for attendance varies based on whether attendees are in person or remote – please see the application to learn more. If you attend in person, food as well as special meals and events are an additional expense. If you are interested in applying for funding to attend Convention, please fill-out the second section. Your request for funding will not affect your application to be an in-person or remote observer or delegate.
Our League is allowed four delegates this year, including the president. The selection criteria are as follows:
1. New or continuing LWVBAE leader
2. Members who are presenting a caucus or workshop
3. Leaders aligned with our program planning priorities
The selection committee will choose from among the applicants using the three previous criteria as guidelines and based on the best interest in the future of the League.
If you have any questions, please email the president, Kandea Gandhi,
at with “LWVBAE Voting Delegate” or “LWVBAE Observer” as the subject line.
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