State Propositions
Proposition 1
Authorizes Bonds to Fund Specified Housing Assistance Programs. Legislative Statute.(PDF)
YES on Prop 1: Veterans and Affordable Housing Bond – California is experiencing a housing crisis. The state’s extreme shortage of affordable housing has life and death consequences, especially for people with low incomes. Housing instability has been linked to public health crises, food insecurity, and developmental problems in children. Prop 1 will build and preserve affordable homes, including supportive housing, for veterans, working families, people with disabilities, Californians experiencing homelessness and others struggling to find a safe place to call home. It will authorize $4 billion in general obligation bonds, to be used to support these affordable housing programs. It would also leverage federal dollars for construction of new housing.
Proposition 2
Authorizes Bonds to Fund Existing Housing Program for Individuals with Mental Illness. Legislative Statute. (PDF)
YES on Prop 2: Homeless Housing Bond – A quarter of the nation’s homeless reside in California–over 130,000 people. A significant percentage of our homeless population suffers from mental illness. Prop 2 allows the use of unspent money, originally allocated through a 2004 measure to fund mental health services, to be used to address the problem. If passed, the unspent money would be used to provide permanent supportive housing for people who need mental health services, and are either currently homeless or at risk of becoming homeless.
NO on Prop 3: Water Bond -It is essential that California manage and develop water resources in ways that benefit the environment, and that the environmental focus emphasizes both conservation and use-appropriate high water quality standards. However, this bond is not the way to accomplish those goals. While the League of Women Voters of California supports the use of long-term debt (bond measures) to finance capital projects, this measure has a number of fatal flaws, including:
● Shifting the cost for water from the end users to California taxpayers;
● Reducing state money available for other critical state programs like education, affordable housing, and healthcare;
● Failing to provide for adequate project oversight and financial accountability.
Proposition 4
Authorizes Bonds Funding Construction at Hospitals Providing Children’s Health Care. Initiative Statute.(PDF)
NO on Prop 4: Children’s Hospital Bond – While the League supports quality healthcare for all Californians, Prop 4 would use $1.5 billion in public, general obligation bond money to support privately-owned children’s hospitals, along with five children’s hospitals in the University of California system. State funds should not be used to support private facilities. This principle stands even when, as is the case in this measure, the facilities serve severely ill children. The bond money would be used for construction, expansion, renovation, and equipment projects. These are capital improvements that could be funded either through revenues the private hospitals generate or through capital campaigns (where, for example, a building is named after a donor).
NO on Prop 5: Property Tax – Property taxes are the major source of funding for schools and local services. Prop 5 is a costly constitutional amendment that would reduce funds for schools and local services by $1 billion per year. In exchange for that $1 billion a year, Prop 5 would provide special tax benefits to some property owners. It does nothing to help low-income seniors, or families struggling to find housing. Seniors already have the ability to keep their tax break when they downsize. Prop 5 drains California’s coffers of money that is essential to schools and communities.
NO on Prop 6: Gas Tax Repeal – California is in critical need of highway and local street repairs and maintenance, and improvements to mass transit and transportation. Prop 6 would repeal the recently-enacted 2017 package of taxes and fees approved by the State Legislature to fund transportation projects, amounting to a loss of $4.7 billion in annual funding. The measure would also add a constitutional amendment requiring any fuel or diesel taxes to be approved by voters, limiting the legislature’s ability to address California’s serious infrastructure needs. Passage of this repeal measure would have significant negative impacts and leave our state structures vulnerable, especially during natural disasters.
NOTE: Because League positions do not cover the issues in the following measures, the LWVC is taking no stand on Prop 7 (Daylight Savings Time), Prop 8 (Dialysis), Prop 11 (Ambulance Drivers), and Prop 12 (Farm Animals). Prop 9 was removed from the ballot.
Proposition 8
Regulates Amounts Outpatient Kidney Dialysis Clinics Charge for Dialysis Treatment. Initiative Statute.
Proposition 10
Expands Local Governments’ Authority to Enact Rent Control on Residential Property. Initiative Statute.
YES on Prop 10: Repeal Costa Hawkins – Multiple strategies are needed to address the significant housing shortages and inequities that exist across California. While this rent control measure offers little systemic progress, and may not result in adding new affordable housing units, it does allow local communities to respond to the housing crisis in ways that are appropriate for each of them. We support providing local communities with this control.
Proposition 12
Establishes New Standards for Confinement of Specified Farm Animals; Bans Sale of Noncomplying Products. Initiative Statute.
Local Measures
Bay Area
Support Measure FF
On June 5, 2018, the East Bay Regional Park District Board of Directors voted unanimously to place Measure FF on the November 2018 ballot. Measure FF will continue existing, voter-approved funding for Regional Parks in western Alameda and Contra Costa counties – without increasing taxes. Measure FF extends an existing $12/year ($1/month) parcel tax.
Peralta Community College District
No Position Measure E
To continue providing the colleges of Alameda, Berkeley, Laney, and Merritt, funds that CallJ?.Ot be taken by the state to support affordable college education, including core academic programs to prepare students for university transfer and successful careers, by providing tutoring and teacher support; shall Peralta Community College District continue to levy $48 per parcel annually for eight years, providing $8,000,000 annually, with internal and citizens’ oversight, no funds for administrator salaries, and all funds benefitting local colleges?
Support Measure G
To upgrade aging classrooms, technology, science labs; expand job training classrooms; and acquire, construct, repair sites/facilities/equipment, shall the Peralta Community College District issue $800 million in bonds at legal interest rates, with approximately $44.2 million in taxes raised annually for 40 years at projected tax rates of $24.50 per $100,000 of assessed valuation, with no funds for administrator salaries, audits and citizen oversight, and all funds used locally?
Support Measure O
Berkeley is in a housing crisis, and the Bay Area is building less than half of the affordable homes we need. This measure will create and preserve affordable housing for low-income households, working families, and individuals including teachers, seniors, veterans, the homeless, artists, and persons with disabilities. We need local funding to access matching funds at the county, state, and federal levels. The money can only be used for affordable housing and will be subject to citizen oversight and independent audits.
Percentage Needed to Pass: 66.6667%
Support Measure P
Berkeley needs services to ensure that homeless people find housing and stay housed. This increase in the transfer tax would be for ten years and only affect the top 1⁄3 of houses sold. The home buyer usually pays the transfer tax. The funds would support services such as navigation centers, mental health support, rehousing and other services for the homeless, including seniors and youth. A Homeless Services Panel of Experts Commission will be created to recommend the most effective homeless services to the City Council.
A 50% +1 vote is required to pass.
Support Measure Q
Proposition 10 on the California 2018 ballot is a repeal of the Costa-Hawkins Rental Housing Act. This measure addresses the potential repeal by preserving existing vacancy rent adjustments or raises. The League supports limiting rent increases and protecting tenants from unwarranted rent increases. Measure Q also expands rent control to include many newer buildings. When apartments or houses are 20 years old, rent control will begin to apply. Whether or not Proposition 10 passes, all homes on the same property, such as a lawfully permitted Accessory Dwelling Units (“in-law” units) will be exempt from rent control and good cause protection eviction rules if the homeowner lives on the property.
Percentage Needed to Pass: 50% +1
Support Measure R
Berkeley should prepare for the effects of climate change and earthquakes on our infrastructure. Measure R would confirm the voters wish to direct the Mayor to invite citizens and experts to develop Vision 2050, a 30-year plan for climate-smart, technologically-advanced, integrated, and efficient infrastructure to support a safe and resilient future for Berkeley.
Percentage Needed to Pass: 50% +1
No position Measure L
To continue providing and maintaining essential City services, such as: fire and police protection, public safety and emergency response, facilities maintenance, and environmental preservation, shall the City of Albany measure making its existing one-half cent transactions and use (sales) tax permanent, providing $1.4 million annually for unrestricted general revenue purposes, without increasing the rate, with annual independent audits, and all funds spent only in Albany, be adopted?
Percentage Needed to Pass: 50% +1
Support Measure M
The League supports adequate funding for improving and maintaining the city’s public buildings, structures, and parks. This measure would replace the current method for raising funds and create an ongoing park and open space parcel tax (typically $69 annually for a single-family residence). This funding would maintain and improve: City parks, ball fields, play structures, picnic areas and restrooms; vegetation management to prevent wildfires; creek habitat; and Albany Hill open space. Measure M would replace another method for raising funds for parks and open spaces. Low-income residents will be exempted, and there will be renter rebates and annual, independent audits.
Percentage Needed to Pass: Two-thirds (2/3)
No position Measure N
Shall Section 3.01 of the Albany City Charter be amended, as set forth in the voter pamphlet, to provide that the City Treasurer shall be appointed by the City Council effective December 10, 2020, or sooner if there is a vacancy in the office?
Percentage Needed to Pass: 50% + 1
No position Measure S
To protect essential municipal services, including repairing public facilities, reducing traffic congestion, and improving pedestrian and bicycle safety; and to support regulation of the cannabis industry, and preserve the City of Emeryville’s long-term financial stability, shall the ordinance to impose a business tax of up to 6% of gross receipts on all cannabis businesses within Emeryville, thereby generating an estimated $2,000,000 annually for unrestricted general revenue purposes, and which continues until repealed by the voters, be adopted?
Percentage Needed to Pass: 50% + 1
More info from LWVC:
How does the League make ballot measure endorsements?
We only take positions on ballot measures based on current advocacy positions and League principles. Positions are developed based on grassroots member study and consensus.
Where can you get more voting information?
Visit our online voter guide, Voter’s Edge California for detailed information on all candidates and state and local ballot measures and to find your polling place.
About the League of Women Voters of California:
The League of Women Voters, a nonpartisan political organization, encourages informed and active participation in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy. Membership in the League is open to men and women of all ages. With more than 90 years of experience, the League is one of America’s most trusted grassroots organizations. Read more about the League of Women Voters of California at
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