LWVUS National Convention 2024

National Convention 2024LWVBAE delegates: Cynthia Chen, Christine Wenrich, Diz Swift, and Elise Mills attended the 56th Biennial LWVUS 2024 National Convention.  Diz was a panelist for the workshop “LWVUS Climate Interest Group – Actions and Resources” a hybrid (in person & virtual) session.  Election of Officers, Directors, and Nominating Committee for 2024-2026 was carried out along with Bylaws Update vote, and the LWVUS 2024-2026 Budget was approved (including the Per Member Payment rate). In addition to officers, LWVUS was able to announce and introduce the new CEO, Celina Stewart who was formerly the League’s Chief Counsel. A number of Concurrences and studies were discussed and voted upon. One study approved was for a national study of the Federal Judiciary – including the Supreme Court. Numerous Resolutions were passed as well.

One workshop, given by the LWV Illinois, centered on their work titled “Abolish the Electoral College: Elect the President by Direct Popular Vote.” A number of interesting facts were presented. Here’s two: A majority of 270 electoral votes is needed to win, so if there is a tie or no one gets 270 votes, the US House of Representatives selects the President with each of the 50 states getting one vote.  The Senate picks the Vice-President.  The second fact was that it will take a Constitutional Amendment to change the Electoral College system. That means a 2/3rds “yea” vote from each the Federal House and Senate, followed by being ratified in each state legislature.  LWVBAE plans to use the Illinois educational slides and dialogue to share how the electoral college works in a forthcoming zoom meeting.

In addition to the Climate workshop, several breakout workshops were outstanding and attended by the LWVBAE delegates including “Fundraising Basics and Making the Ask to Support Your League.”  In addition to LWV Illinois’ “Abolish the Electoral College” workshop there was also a “One Person One-Vote” workshop also aimed at the Presidential election without the Electoral College. Already 17 states have approved this “National Popular Vote” and incorporated it into their laws. Presently a candidate needs a vote of at least 270 electors (more than half) to win the presidential election.

The convention included 1,279 attendees from all 50 states, DC, and the Virgin Islands both in-person in DC and online. The next LWVUS National Convention will be in 2026, and LWVUS newly-elected president, Dianna Wynn told everyone to stay tuned for an announcement soon about the host city for that convention.


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