New Housing Team Meets Thurs, March 16, 7:30 pm

graphic image of housing

The New Housing Team will meet Thursday, March 16, at 7:30 pm in the League office, Suite F, 2530 San Pablo Ave, between Dwight and Blake. Free parking can be found on the streets below San Pablo and often in the Bank of America parking lot.

The Team was started by interested members at the League’s Post-Election Brainstorm meeting on Feb. 21.  League members and potential members are welcome to attend. As the Team is just forming, there will be many opportunities to identify areas of interest and decide on the future direction[s] of the Team.


The League already has strong housing positions at national, state and local levels that the Team can use as the basis for future research, public informational meetings or lobbying. Here are brief statements of the national and state policy positions. For the full positions and background on each policy, read the full policies.

U.S. Positions: Housing: Support policies to provide a decent home and a suitable living environment for every American family.
Education, Employment and Housing. Support equal access to education, employment and housing.

California Position: Support equal opportunity in housing. Support measures to provide state programs to increase the supply of safe, decent, and adequate housing for all Californians. Support action at all levels of government for the provision of affordable housing for all Californians.

LWVBAE Local Positions are extensive. They can be found under the Planning and Housing headings here.

Summary of Issues identified/discussed at Brainstorm Meeting

Housing Supply

Low/Moderate Income & Market Rate

Segregation by income?

Cost of Housing





Housing Security         [Housing Finance]

Rent Control

Gov’t Subsidized eg Sec 8

Ownership of Housing

Rent to Own


Moderate Income Help

Homeless Housing

Innovation in homeless housing eg tiny houses

Urban Quality – Housing Density

Smart Streets, cities, growth


Prop 13 and Rents

Costs of Rental vs ownership

Costs of Development and relation to Supply and Housing Finance




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