Alameda County Seeks Your Help: Phone Bankers Needed for 2020 Census!

The LWVBAE hopes you will consider becoming an Alameda County Census 2020 phone banker. The county needs your help to ensure everyone is counted, so our communities receive their fair share of federal funding in the upcoming decade.

The federal government uses the census to determine each community’s financial needs in many critical areas such as infrastructure, education, employment, healthcare, food programs, and affordable housing. Significantly, the census also determines state and federal representation. We must ensure our communities aren’t under counted and therefore deprived of the resources and political representation we rightly deserve.

See below for more information and to sign up as a volunteer with Alameda County!

Alameda County Census 2020 – Phone Bank Campaign
Quick Start Guide

Phone Banker Sign-up for PDI Account:
The link below goes to a volunteer sign-up which needs to be filled out so that the Census2020 Complete Count Committee can keep track of phone bankers.

Census PDI App Download:
The links below allow you to download and install the Census PDI app on your Apple or Android phone and gives instructions on its use.

–Laszlo Zim

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