Decorations, trimmings, and treatments are not compostable
If you’re considering a cut tree, know that the City only composts the tree itself. Avoid trees that have been “flocked” – covered with chemicals mimicking snow. Flocked trees cannot be composted and must either fit in your trash bin or be taken to the Transfer Station.
To dispose of a compostable tree, cut the tree to fit inside your green compost cart with the lid closed. Make sure to remove all lights, decorations, tinsel, plastic bags, and plastic tree stands. If it doesn’t all fit, ask a neighbor if they have space or wait until the following week to dispose of the rest.
If you don’t have the tools to cut your tree, free tool rental is available through the Berkeley Tool Lending Library, located at 1901 Russell Street. Renters must provide proof of Berkeley residency before checking out tools.
Watch this video from Berkeley Community Media on how to correctly dispose a compostable tree and how your tree becomes compost here.
Trees left whole on the curb won’t get picked up as they can damage City side-loader collection trucks.
Tree drop-off schedule
You may prefer dropping off discarded trees at the Transfer Station:
City of Berkeley Transfer Station
1201 2nd Street (off Gilman Avenue)
Monday – Saturday 8:00 am to 4:30 pm
Closed Christmas and New Year’s days
- Compostable trees:
- In January, free drop-off for compostable trees
- Starting February 1, $27.75 fee per minimum load (330 pounds or less) plus $3.50 Environmental Compliance Fee
- Flocked or plastic trees: $38.50 fee per minimum load (330 pounds or less) plus $3.50 Environmental Compliance Fee
As you celebrate the holidays, the City’s Zero Waste Division encourages you take some steps to reduce holiday waste.
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