League of Women Voters ®

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Senate Must Delay Vote on Kavanaugh

LWV President Chris Carson’s Calls League Members to Action. She writes as follows:
The Senate Judiciary Committee’s hearing was an appalling display of inequity for women’s voices. For far too long, American women and girls have been told to keep quiet after enduring sexual assault. In 2018, the time has come to stop telling women to “sit down and shut up.”
Throughout the hearing, Dr. Christine Blasey Ford’s powerful testimony resonated with women across the country. She was a cooperative, compelling, and composed witness. Dr. Ford acted to protect future generations of women and girls whose everyday lives will be shaped by decisions of the next Supreme Court Justice.
We will no longer let our voices be silenced to protect the same entrenched power that has worked to disenfranchise women throughout the course of our country’s history.

Contact your senators TODAY
Yours in the fight,


Chris Carson, LWVUS President 2016-18

Chris Carson,
LWVUS President




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