Measure K: Parcel Tax

  • 2/3 Vote Required

The Question:   Should Emery Unified School District (EUSD) renew its existing voter-approved parcel tax at the current rate of 15 cents per square foot of building area for 20 more years to sustain local programs for students?

What Measure K Would Do: K would renew the current tax rate for 20 more years.   This would continue local programs for reading, writing, math, and science; keep classes small and school libraries open; recruit and retain qualified experienced teachers and staff; maintain classroom technology; provide counselors. The tax includes an exemption for seniors over 65 and independent citizens’ oversight. No funds will be spent on administrator salaries, pensions or benefits.

The Way it is Now:   Emery Unified School District has a 15 cent per square foot tax that will expire on June 31, 2017.

Fiscal Effect:   K continues a current tax, so there would be no fiscal change if it passes. If it does not pass, school funding would decrease by 25%.

Supporters Say:

  • K would continue core academic programs in reading, writing, math and science; keep small classes and school libraries open and more.
  • If K fails, class sizes would increase significantly and other programs would decrease or disappear.
  • A broad community coalition supports K to maintain good public education and stable property values.

No opposing argument was filed.

The full text of Measure K:

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